
Sberbank and Bimar System to test digital assembly marking


AR to be used in the construction of Sberbank’s Skolkovo-based tech park

Sberbank and Bimar System, a start-up that made it to the Sber500 finals, will test digital assembly marking of structural elements and machine vision at Sberbank’s Skolkovo-based Technpark under construction. The technology is expected to significantly accelerate the registration of production stages and control technological processes online, CNews was told at Sberbank.
Vasily Chekanov, vice president, director of the Construction Department, Sberbank:

“Innovation implementation plays a key role in the evolution of the construction industry, enabling stakeholders to address pressing issues more efficiently and opening new opportunities. If the pilot flies, we will sign a long-term contract with the start-up and scale this promising technology across other sites.”
Bimar System is a solution for construction and installation monitoring via digital markers on structural elements, which are being tracked by mobile devices and cameras on workers’ helmets, drones and AR glasses.
While building the Techpark, the start-up will ensure life cycle control of 14,000+ construction elements. Bimar System’s partnership with the project’s professional design and construction teams will demonstrate the scale of the technology’s potential and help find the best use for it in this project.

Sberbank’s Techpark at Skolkovo is a mixed-use complex with a floor area of 277,500 sq. m. It will home offices, a business incubator, workout sites, a hotel, and a concert hall. The architectural concept was designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, a celebrated UK bureau.
2023-12-19 16:18